An in-depth understanding of his client's needs aligns well with his ability to translate business aviation's inherent value into scenarios readily comprehended by both senior executives and flight department managers. When coupled with a stellar reputation for strong ethics and integrity, the reasons behind his large and enviable number of long term and high percentage repeat client relationships become readily apparent.

Jim Holstein

(317) 753-5633

Nearly four decades of record-breaking performance following graduation from Indiana State University has set Jim Holstein apart as one of the most productive individuals in business aviation. In addition to having run a flight department and managed a major FBO, he has continually set sales records throughout his career.

Jim has earned widespread and well-deserved recognition as an astute and knowledgeable professional who possesses extensive aviation product and marketplace knowledge. His attention to detail, unrelenting follow through, and dedication to client satisfaction have earned him many accolades over the years.

Holding an Airline Transport Pilot license with multiple type ratings, and having logged more than 5,000 flight hours, Jim knows and understands the operational demands facing aviation professionals. He is also versed in the financial and performance expectations of company executives and board members.

logged more than 5,000 flight hours

Airline Transport Pilot license with several Type ratings

nearly 5 decades of business aviation experience

specialized knowledge with individual attention

Holstein Aviation
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